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Common Blogging Mistakes
Want to know about blogging mistakes that you need to avoid in 2020 but before that…Let’s start with basics
Why Blogging?
Blogging is turning popular day by day
Many people are taking upon blogging some as a hobby & some as a career
everyday n number of blogs are created but only some manage to make a place for themselves
So what are the reasons that other blogs fail??
Is the content not great? or is the niche incorrect? or is it the blogger??
4 Reasons Why Blogs Fail [Avoid These Mistakes]
The common blogging mistakes/reasons why many of the blogs fail or die
or in other words, get lost on the web is because of these 4 usual blogging mistakes
- lack of Consistency
- Expectations
- Copying
- Waiting
Lack of Consistency
Consistency is a key to success,
When you start your blog
Everything is new
Publishing a new article, monitoring the stats. It is exciting
You’ll be a lot more focused, high on the enthusiasm
That you might be posting 1 article every day but then it will move to 2-3 articles a week to 2-3 articles a month
And it might also reach down to one article a month
This is the mistake that many bloggers do
Trust me it happens, I have been there done that & trust me that is really a bad blow
I’m not saying you got to publish an article every day
Take your time, work on it & then publish but maintain a schedule
Give yourself a deadline like you got to publish at least one article a week
i.e will summarize to 4 articles a month
Keep a schedule, a routine of work & follow it
It might look a bit difficult at first & you might feel nothing is coming to mind
But don’t give up
As in blogging, we are on our own,
Lack of boss hovering around & screaming for deadlines- gives us a sense of liberty
But it also gives us the responsibility to be dedicated to our work
So don’t let your laziness overtake you
Keep your work consistent even if it is just 2 articles a month
Stick to it, follow a schedule once you get adapted to it
Your mind will start working itself on & getting the best content out will be way too easy
Also, your being consistent will make your audience look forward to your new content
As they will get familiar to your schedule you’ll find more engagement
& working on your blog content will be easy & fun too
Also, it will maintain your blog’s credibility
Expecting too much is the common mistake that many bloggers do
When you start your blog, You don’t really expect much
So seeing visitors & even getting a single comment will make you happy
Heck when I started I used to get super happy even seeing 4-5 real-time visitors
But after some time you start expecting a lot from your blog
Where even 20-30 visitors a day might seem like less
You start expecting a lot (mistake!)
Like getting 2k-3k visitors a day
Getting lots of comments & increasing the share count
It is not wrong to expect & it is so not impossible
It will happen but… eventually
You can’t expect it to happen overnight
You just can’t expect that you publish 2-3 articles on your blog
And think that you created a brand
it doesn’t work that way
You got to work on it, day & night
months after month just work & then it will happen
all the establish blogs you see today, they didn’t turn into a brand overnight
it requires works, dedication & most importantly patience
you just got to focus on doing your part & the rest will follow
but many fail to do this
They create a blog, publish 5-8 articles & expect the magic to happen
but it won’t & it shouldn’t
when you start expecting to win a lottery even before purchasing one
You are just wasting your time
So work on your blog
write as much as you can, build the network, build the backlinks, build your audience & then
Your blog will definitely get its due credit
Yes copying, here I’m not talking about plagiarism
AS that itself is a crime both ethically & morally & one day or the other google will block your site out
And moreover, I personally feel plagiarism is like underestimating yourself
It shows you don’t believe in yourself, your knowledge, your talent so much that you need to rely on somebody’s else
But what I’m talking about is copying
I have seen many people do this mistake
They come across some really popular successful blogs & try to do the same with their blog
What I’m trying to say is sometimes people blindly take upon the niche because it is popular
even though they have absolutely no knowledge about it
For eg: Finance blogs area major hit in blogging field
But I’m a software engineering & really interested in Digital Marketing & Blogging
I personally love Music & Dance but if I decide upon creating a blog on finance?
Obviously, I can research, follow some experts & come up with blog posts
But will I really enjoy it?
one day or the another I’ll be bored of it because I’m not passionate about it
I personally feel the audience don’t only read the content we as bloggers write
but they also connect with the way we present
When we present something which is researched, analyzed
And what we present when we love it, have knowledge about it & moreover passionate about it
Makes a lot of difference
I personally believe blogging is about following your dreams, pursuing your passion
And enjoying yourself while being a helpful resource to others
Thus rather than copying others & turn your blog into pressure, not passion
Follow your heart, write about what you love & enjoy
chose niche according to you, not others & then let the words flow
This is the main mistake that many bloggers usually do
Bloggers publish their posts submit the URL to search console & then they wait for the traffic
Like I already said there are tons of blogs on your niche already
hoping that your audience will find your blog among those & will land on your site on their own
Isn’t that a little far-fetched?
It’s like you got a new phone number & you are waiting for your friends to call you, that too even without you giving them your number
What is the use of great content if you are not telling others about it
Of course, some viewers will land on your page without promotion
it can happen & it will but the traffic you get from this, will it be according to expectations?
I don’t think so & let’s not overlook that fact that it is a bit complicated for your audience too
& moreover Why wait for traffic when you can get the traffic?
There are n-number of portals out there which you can use to promote your content
Social Media are a boon for your content promotion
Why don’t use it for your benefit?
Many bloggers overlook this thing & end up getting their blog lost in this web
so don’t overlook promotion of your content
let people know what you have to offer & you’ll be amazed by the results
Hope this helps & if you have any other doubts, queries or need any like of advice
feel free to contact me
I’ll be happy to help
Take Care & Enjoy
Loads of Love
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